Hari Raya Aidiladha In English

عيد الأضحى eid ul adha hari raya korban atau hari raya haji merupakan perayaan yang disambut oleh umat islam di seluruh dunia.
Hari raya aidiladha in english. Hari raya truly signifies festivity day and hari raya aidilfitri is the day that denotes the end of ramadan the islamic heavenly month of first light to nightfall fastinghari raya aidilfitri is viewed as one of the two most vital festivals for muslims the other being hari raya haji the. Human translations with examples. Feast of the sacrifice ipa. Jul 17 birthday of the raja of perlis.
The following table indicates declared indonesian government national holidays for the year 2018 only cultural variants also provide opportunity for holidays tied to local events. عيد الأضحى romanized. Other holidays in july 2021 in malaysia. Hari raya haji aidil adha.
Hari raya aidil adha hari raya qurban. Jul 10 penang governor s birthday. Speech to welcome at the feast day selamat hari raya. Contextual translation of hari raya aidiladha into english.
Perayaan ini merupakan perayaan terbesar di dalam islam selain aidilfitri yang disambut pada setiap 1 syawal. Jul 7 george town world heritage city day.