Epf Declaration Form No 11 New Word Format

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Epf declaration form no 11 new word format. This form contains basic information regarding the employee like name date of birth contact details previous employment details kyc aadhar bank account pan etc details. Epf form no. The main difference between previous uan declaration form and this new epf composite declaration form is here employer can select automatic pf transfer process. I am looking for the latest 2018 version of the pf form no 11 in doc or excel format.
If employee s kyc details are not approved by the employer then they have to submit the physical form of epf transfer form 13 to pf office along with attestation of the employer. A usefull form for epf form no 11 revised 24th march 2011 from india. 11 xls 145 5 kb 2201 views. Please tick 2 date of birth d m y 3 father s husband s name mr.
In that case it is mandatory to fill up it and form no 11 is basically an declaration of the employee about his past service membership etc and it is required to be taken from the employee newly joined an establishment where provisions of epf and mp act are applicable. Joint declaration form as prescribed by epfo is provided hereunder. The format may change from time to time. Page 1 of 3 declaration by a person taking up employment in an establishment on which employees provident fund scheme 1952 and or employees pension scheme 1995 is applicable.
Do check with the epfo office or your employer before proceeding. How to download the form in word format doc 1 go to the document. Regards naveen gulati 25th june 2018 from india gurgaon. 11 in excel format.
Please go through the instructions 1 name title mr ms mrs. Epf form 11 is a declaration form which has to be submitted by an employee when taking up new employment in an organization which offers epf scheme employees provident fund. 4 relationship in respect of 3 above please tick. New form no 11 declaration form to be retained by the employer for future reference employees provident fund organization employees provident funds scheme 1952 paragraph 34 57 employees fill epf declaration form.