Epf Basic Saving Table 2019

Kuantum baharu simpanan asas bermula januari 2019.
Epf basic saving table 2019. The last revision took effect in 2017. Save my name email and website in this browser for the next time i comment. The new quantum for the basic savings in epf account 1 will be revised from rm228 000 rm 950 per month for 20 years to rm240 000 rm1 000 per month for 20 years at member s age of 55 years old. Kumpulan wang simpanan pekerja kwsp hari ini mengumumkan bahawa kuantum baharu simpanan asas akan dinaikkan daripada rm228 000 kepada rm240 000 bermula 1 januari 2019 jumlah ini akan ditetapkan sebagai jumlah sasaran simpanan minimum ahli perlu ada apabila mencecah umur 55 tahun.
Kuala lumpur 28 november 2018. The basic savings represents the amount considered sufficient to support epf members basic needs for 20 years upon retirement at age 55. The quantum for the basic savings will be revised from the current rm228 000 to rm240 000 the. The quantum for the basic savings will be revised from the current rm228 000 to rm240 000 which is the minimum target epf basic savings members should have upon reaching age 55.
Hopefully this epf calculator excel sheet will help you understand the retirement savings product employee provident fund epf better and also act as a decision making tool to make informed investment decisions about how much you can save in epf corpus for retirement. The latest epf basic savings will take effect on january 1 2019. The employees provident fund epf is revising the quantum for basic savings from the current rm228 000 to rm240 000 effective jan 1 2019. The amount will be set as the minimum target epf basic savings members should have upon reaching age 55.
The basic savings in account 1 is tabulated based on the minimum savings amount to ensure that the member will still be able to save up the minimum amount by the time he or. The epf mis allows epf members to withdraw a certain amount of money from account 1 and invest into epf approved unit trusts provided the basic savings in account 1 is met. The latest epf basic savings will take effect on jan 1 2019.